Building relationships in a hyperconnected world.
A quick insight into the WHY of Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program.
written by Diana Vilé

Life used to be pretty “forever”. Whether it was a career, a job, a partner, and a family, a home for life or life-long guarantee products you bought only once. Things have changed a little. As Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher once said: “change is the only constant in life.”
When I started as a freelance journalist after Communication Studies, working life was easy. Talking face-to-face for about an hour was quite average. A week to write an article, a year to write a book. Computers were not yet mainstream in the 1990s. Even between 2010–2012, a search query on the Internet could take about 10 min of waiting time with only 1 Gbps Internet access service (NTIA).
No more just 10 blue links, business information nowadays is making a major shift in new technologies, like AI, voice search and mapping, while consumers are highly connected and rapidly find their way to interact with any businesses around the globe.
I love to write, as it creatively orders your mind and let you closely observe the world around you. Starting as an online marketer at an Internet Service Provider (ISP) was a great new challenge. For 5,5 years I have created and managed content on blogs, websites and social media in different markets. Yet, I missed a structural framework and strategy to follow in a fast-evolving digital marketing ecosystem. So, how and where to learn a structural framework and good-working digital marketing strategy to get noticed by others?
“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” –Wendy Piersall, Author, Blogger, and Artist- SEO
Who could help me out finding a proofed digital marketing strategy, so I could level up my digital marketing skills? Google provided me the answer: Udacity. February 2018, I gained a full-term Growth with Google Scholarship for Udacity´s FrondEnd Web Development Nanodegree, where I met an incredible group of long-life learners and career changers from around the world.
After graduating in February 2019, it subscribed to a second Nanodegree in April, to upskill my Digital Marketing skills to build relationships in a hyper-connected world. And it has been a great choice so far. In just three months I will learn a solid marketing framework and proven strategies in Content, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Display Marketing, E-mail marketing, and Google Analytics. Being taught by experts is a great pleasure:

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