
Diana Vilé
4 min readMar 20, 2020

What the Coronavirus is teaching us.

written by Diana Vilé

Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash

“One day China will rule the world”, I was forecasted by a 97-year old lady about a decade ago. That seemed quite obvious to me at that time. Yet, she already discovered it back in the early 20th century, as one of the first women traveling to China. Fast forward, March 2020 the time has come. It is just so different than how we imagined it to be: it is not the Chinese, it is a tiny little virus, spread from animal to human beings, that started in China and is forcing the entire world to stay at home.

Ni hao — 你好 Covid-19

Here it is: Say hello to the “Coronavirus”. The world has forever changed since the coming of this unforeseen guest. This new virus is not visible with the human eye. Symptoms are similar to a regular gripe. The thing is, we still lack the anti-virus to stop it from growing. And it is growing fast.

Pandemic issue

What started back in January in Wuhan, China has become a pandemic within the course of just a few months. We are in the midst of it, so to speak. Check this site for a real-time update:

The world has changed forever

Regardless of how we tackle this issue, one thing is clear: the world has changed forever. The local health problem somewhere far away in China holds the entire world under quarantine. Flights are being canceled, countries are shutting down their borders and force their people to stay at home.

Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

Consequences from the quarantine, are showing up. People are losing their source of income, as their work came to a halt because of the restrictions. Companies are firing people as they are shutting down temporarily, and there is no financial safety net yet. Whereas, the exhausted staff in hospitals where material, beds, and protection are missing, battle to save patients.

My heart goes out to those who have become seriously ill from the virus and their families. However uncomfortable, living inside is bearable.

Lessons from our unseen guest

Ok, so we are forced to stay at home: it is uncomfortable, scary and whatsoever. Yet, here is what the Coronavirus is teaching us.

lesson 1: Work-life balance

As many of us are temporarily working from home, we no longer can shut our eyes from the world we created. A life in which work and family life are not easy to combine, and a work-life balance is far from being reached. We no longer have a job for life. Fixed contracts are starting to get rare. People are burned out. Half of the working population is not taken into account. Let´s face it:

“We need to rethink how to live and work in a more balanced way.”

lesson 2: Reduce waste & pollution

Within just a week of lockdown, Spanish cities like Madrid and Barcelona have reduced smog with 50%. In Venice, Italy, due to the lack of tourists, the water is cleaning up and the flora and fauna are recovering.

“Taking care of the environment we live in pays off.”

lesson 3: Solidarity

When forced not to socialize- as cafés, restaurants, concert halls, libraries, and sports centers are shut down- many social gatherings start to occur online. People are being creative to find ways to help each other enjoying life while being at home. Free online music concerts, courses, and subscriptions arise. People helping each other out on social media with tips. People applauding on their balconies for healthcare. Just a few examples of solidarity.

Solidarity is the new social.

lesson 4: Appreciation of life

A few days of lockdown helps us realize how lucky we are, how blessed we are. We live in a precious time. Never in history, we have had so many opportunities: tremendous technology, flexibility and freedom to create the life we want, regardless of gender, culture or religion constricts. And what we mostly spend our time on, is to complain. To talk about what is missing in life. Why it isn´t perfect yet. But life isn´t perfect. It has never been, and it will never be. It is time to make a major change in perspective. Life is short and precious. Start to appreciate it for as long as it lasts.

Being Thankful is where to start.

No exceptions: we are all in this together

These are a few valuable lessons the Coronavirus is teaching us, as far as I can see. I am curious about your thoughts as well.



Diana Vilé

A Senior Digital Marketing Communication Consultant @XploreDigital/ Google Women Tech Maker Ambassador (WTM)